I am Billy. My Flemish name is Marijn Kuijken but too many of my Aussie friends have a tough time pronouncing Marijn (Mar-ayne). I am a custom bike builder. With my fiancee Silvie, I run Rogue Motorcycles, a custom motorcycle shop in Perth, Western Australia. It’s always been a dream of mine to create a place of my own where I can express my creativity through my passions of fabrication and industrial arts. Rogue Motorcycles is part of my journey but it isn’t the beginning.
I grew up in Belgium, where I spent most of my early years ‘tooling’ away in my father’s workshop along with my three other brothers. My father was an architect who was passionate about design but had a profound knowledge of manufacturing, woodwork and metal fabrication. To my young mind, my dad could do anything!
He introduced me to metal from an early age. I was hooked by the potentials of this versatile material. The first thing my dad made me do with the MIG was write my name on a 5mm flat bar. I must have been about 10 years old. I loved it, the sparks, the heat, how cool was that!
As we got older, my mates and I would tinker around with our scooters, mopeds and quads in the workshop, every night after school. We altered frames, modded the engines, made exhausts from scratch and fabricated all kinds of bits and pieces. Looking back on those early days, I probably would 've never guessed one day I could do this for a living. It just didn’t seem feasible at the time.
In our early-twenties my brothers and I formed ‘ARC Exclusief’ based in Hasselt, Belgium. A business that specialises in exclusive metalwork solutions. That became my day job but afterhours I’d still be designing and building exhausts, part covers and other bike parts.
In 2014, Silvie and I moved to Australia and very soon I found myself working with my friend Wenley Andrews at Mean Machines in Perth WA. I was part of the most amazing and creative team I have ever seen. Over two years we created some of the most influential custom motorcycles Australia had ever witnessed.
Eventually, Silvie and I followed our own path that led us to Rogue Motorcycles. We want Rogue to be the benefactor of our shared passion for art, form and quality. We want it to be more than just a garage. We want to create a community: A place where motorcycle magic is conjured. We are grateful for your support and we look forward to meeting and serving you.
Tot ziens,